Thursday, December 13, 2007

check up

I went to have a check up today, not that anything is wrong with me, it's just that I'm almost 18 and when I am Medicaid doesn't work anymore so I'm doing it all I first went into the room and sat there waiting for like a 1/2 hour and when the Doc did come she started asking me all these questions...heaving nothing to do about health or anything..such as...what were my plans for the next yr and I work? if so where doing what? what do I do besides work? and on and on it went..then when the check up did start she checked my heart beat so many times u'd think I was gonna fall over dead any second.....and when she asked me if I've ever taken shots and I said no she kept going on about how I should take a tetanus shot since I do construction but I've never done it before and I'm still alive so I didn't see any reason to freak out and do it now....and plus to be honest needles freak me out.... anyhow all in all it was traumatizing...mainly cuz that they took blood from me and it was the first time I have EVER had a needle in my skin....I couldn't even look when the nurse was puttin it in my arm and when I told her I'd never had it before she thought I was gonna pass out or something...I did glance at it when she started pumping blood out and that wasn't so bad cuz it was already in...but when she put it in or took it out I couldn't look...made my stomach turn.....
well it did when my dad started tellin the stories of all the shots he got while in the navy....

oh and I found out that I am 137lbs now that is freaky...that means that since the FDTP I've lost 3lbs...