Wednesday, November 5, 2008

ask and it will be given u

Smoked a cigarette: almost but no

Crashed a friend’s car: not that I recall

Stolen a car: nahh

Been in love: sigh..yes

Been dumped: being she is who she is, I wont call it that

Shoplifted: ya

Been fired: No..if I could get fired from ballooning that'll be cool

Been in a fist fight: I didn't fight back so no

Snuck out of your parent’s house: yes, but I've never been caught

Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: sadly

Been arrested: Nope

Gone on a blind date: ya..thank god she turned out hot

Lied to a friend: Yes..more then likely

Skipped school: Yep and I'm not ashamed of it

Seen someone die: No don't plan on it for a while

Had a crush on one of your internet friends: Yes I have..more then one infact

Been to Canada: Not yet...working on it though

Been to Mexico: used to live there

Been on a plane: a few months ago

Purposely set a part of yourself on fire: yes..I've tried a lot of morbid things

Eaten sushi: bring it on

Been jet-skiing: no.

Met someone in person from the internet: Yes...Kathy

Been moshing at a concert: yes

Taken pain killers: only if the pain is more then I can take

Loved and missed someone: it'll stay with me forever

Made a snow angel: probably

Had a tea party: hum. I hope not

Flown a kite: Yes.

Built a sand castle: yes

Gone puddle jumping: ever since I saw singing in the rain

Played dress up: yes..

Jumped in a pile of leave?: ya

Gone sledding: I have

Cheated while playing a game: who doesn't

Been lonely: OH, u mean other then right now?....yes

Fallen asleep at work or school: Yeah

Used a fake ID: No

Watched a sun set: makes me miserable

Felt an earthquake: I think thats what it was

Slept beneath the stars: yes...I liked it better with Elena then I did by myself though

Been misunderstood: countless times

Petted a reindeer/goat: a goat yes

Run a red light/stop sign: most likely I was in a car that did

Been suspended from school: I wish

Been in a car accident: fender bender

Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night: ya, star bucks coffee ice cream

Had deja vu: to many times

Danced in the moonlight:it's probably something I'd want to forget or have since I don't remember

Liked the way you looked at least at one point in time: ya when I was with Elena

Witnessed a crime: no

Been obsessed with post-it notes: no

Been lost: I'm used to it now...

Been on the opposite side of the country: yes

Cried yourself to sleep: yes

Recently colored with crayons: not rencently, yes

Sung karaoke: no

Paid for a meal with only coins:nope

Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: yes.

Made prank phone calls: yes

Been kissed under the mistletoe by your boy/girlfriend: no

Watched the sun rise with someone you care about: yes....Elena

Blown bubbles: yes.

Made a bonfire on the beach: I've made bonfires but not on the beach

Laughed so hard you peed your pants: never

Cheated on a test: more then once

Been kissed by someone you didn’t like: no

Gone skinny dipping in a pool: yes


Anonymous said...

all you r missing then is to go get a fake ID, run a red light and crash a stolen car and get arrested for it. good luck trying.