Friday, November 30, 2007

Carla Maffioletti sings GesĂș Bambino

this is for all my fellow Italians out there.

Do you love me?

This is a Story I heard from a friend.

There was a young couple that were going out on a motorbike, they only had one helmet and the boyfriend was wearing it.
As they were "driving" down the street a while later, the girlfriend ask if they could slow down cause they were doing to fast for her. "Do you love me?" the boyfriend asked, "what?" the girlfriend replied, "Do you love me?" the boyfriend repeated "Yes I do" she answered "Tell me that you love me" the boyfriend said. "I love you so much" she insisted "hug me" the guy said and she did "ok," he said after a moment "take the helmet and hold on."

Later that day,in the news, it was reported that that couple had been in a accident, the brakes had failed. The driver had died,having been flung from the bike, the girl however survived cause she was wearing the helmet that he gave her.

the point of the story, if there's someone you love make sure you tell them, you never know when they could be gone forever.

Elena, I know I've told u this before, but once is never enough for me, I love you tons.

School bus's...

I hate then, really I do. and it's not just cuz they take ppl to the think I hate's very time something cool happens in my life, or I see someone I've really wanted's always on a bloody school bus, and now very time I see one I get all bummed...for example, I knew Mary Dawn 2yrs before I met her, and when we go to pick her up from the air port for's in a school bus....the first/last time I see her too..she came on the bus and left on the bus
FDTP, where I met Elena, best month of my bloody life mind u, again on a school bus...infact the same one as with Mary's so annoying...cuz like I said, now any bloody school bus I see makes me think of those good times and how some may never bloody happen again...

Celtic Woman - A New Journey - Reels

I love this Song..Mairead rocks

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving with Tinchers

Turkey,Cranberries,cakes, pies, mashed potato's, sweet potato pie, corn, punch..and so much more are the things that make up for Thanksgiving right? well those all did for me too, but the coolest part about this Thanksgiving was spending it with the Tinchers, who I've known for 10yrs but haven't seen for 4yrs..and man have there been changes in them..I mean, before they left I was talker and had a chance at winning from time to time when we'm still taller but only by a few inches and all of them can kick my ass, they all do marshal arts, it's crazy how flexible they are now. anyhow it was great seeing them again.
the first night we got there we stayed up till 5..well Silas and I did...the adults went out for some drinks so we watched a movie and they just chilled for a while...but yeah..we got caught staying up so late cause we didn't think about turning off the light, and my dad walked in and said we had to go to bed..anyhow...all in all it was a blast..brought back good old memories of fun stuff we did..most of witch was bad stuff but still fun to are some pix.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I just thought I'd let it be known I made a new blog for the soul purpose of poetry, me and a friend of mine are gonna be putting up all the poetry we've written, so fare it's only mine but hopfully she'll add some too.
if u care to have a look it's

battle for ur sanity

I sware school is out to kill any brains u might have had and fill ur head with cnfusion and make u all stressed..I know..I just had a test in my school this morning, not good first think in the morning to go kill ur brain cells, I mean god, it's like a demond, comes in slowly so u don't notice it and the BAM it all hits down, I've taken timed tests before but this one, this one totaly took the cake, maybe it was cuz it was the pre-final test or the fact that thry added on 2 other subs that they never gave me before but whatever the reason I was so stressed by the time I was done, my head felt like it was gonna pop, and ppl around me noticed it too..and it wasn't only me that was feeling that way. Science,History, and Lang reading I did with minimal stress, some but not much, my teach was cool and lets me take a break...I could have left if I wanted to but this bloody diploma is my ticket away from home so I need it...after the break though she asked me if I wanted to stop or keep going, I only had 3 subs left, 2 in math, and lang writing, and it wasn't another hour before my ride was comin to pick me up so I took the math.
and few questions into the thing and I started to feel the stress again...a few more and BAM I was freakin out..mainly cuz the probs were no asked right but I have to figure them out on paper cuz I didn't have a calculator...I think I barley passed that bloody thing..I guessed a lil less then half the much for me being the smartest dude in the class.
but really I thinks school it out for us. weir walkin the razors edge and school is like the lil weight on one side of u that is a lil to heavy and big-bada-boom u fall.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I might be a little late in finding this out but even so....2 months ago the world lost a very very very gifted writer, on September 16,2007 Robert Jordan died or a rare disease, the name I don''t remember, in my opinion he was one of the best writer and his books were really inspired the best I've ever read....the captivate...the even sadder part is he wasn't able to finish his 12th book, it's being finished by someone else...Well I guess now he can help us be able to write really cool books too...his novels were awsome and they will be missed.

to close

The other night I was about to go to sleep but it was really hot so I reached to the top of my bed to get a cloth I had there to wet and put on my head to cool me off, well it wasn't there cuz it had fallen off the bed. so I sat up and reached over and grabbed it, while I was pulling my had up though I felt something start to pinch my arm, I thought it was just the bed post so I lowered my arm to move around it but when I pulled it back up again the pinching was still there..I was like "what on earth is on my bed that can be pinching me like that?" and then it dawn on me..eariler I had tossed one of my knifes under my pillow when the kids came into the room and now the tip was coming out from under the pillow and stabbing into my arm, and the arm I was leaning on to hold myself up was what was pushing it, and if I got off that arm I'd fall towards the knife...finally I managed to get my other hand under the pillow and pull the knife away...needless to say I moved the knofe from under my's was kinda freaky but cool at the same time..cuz when I looked at my arm, had it been just a lil deaper and the tip of the knife just a lil sharper it would have punctured...and it's a good thing it wasn't those things...I like my arm the way it is thank u

Saturday, November 10, 2007

pay off

I can't really say much for this post..all it is, is me showing the pay off of my workin out..well so may not look the "oh wow-ish" but compared to what I used to be it's good...and I also wanted to update ppl who can't really see me all that much on what I look like these daz.