Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"my thoughts were short and my hair was long..."

I can't think of a better phrase of a song to describe me these past to weeks then this....
hurricane Ike was coming towards Houston and everyone in my fam was going to go to Austin till is past..but me? are u crazy? me run from a hurricane, I've only wanted to be in the way of one for ages...
so I stayed back at the house along with Jer, Mila, their fam and Livi...and the rest left...well the hurricane came and we all had a sis and I "broke into" my other sis's, Anjie, alcohol stash and started to have a "party" there was a quart of ice cream in the fridge that was gonna melt so we started eating that too and making movies of the weather and stuff like that...
The next day it was over and the realization of what I had gotten into was starting to set in, we had no electricity, and I killed my comp battery the night there was nothing to do..besides sleep so that's what we did...livi and I pretty much slept the whole day, and when the evening came we weren't tired anymore...or I wasn't but by 8:30 it was dark and there was nothing to do besides go to against my will I did.
woke up in the middle of the night to find thats it's storming outside, harder then it was the night before...but I was to lazy to do any running in the rain that I just stayed in bed..nothin interesting with that..
on Sunday, 2 days after the hurricane was when the work started..since we didn't have any electricity to cook with the machetes and I soon became fast friends...and the woods our opponent.
in the evening we had a really nice dinner, made by livi, lets see...grilled chicken with broccoli and eggplant also grilled...all very, very good thought..u would think it was candy the way it disappeared.
well after we finished dinner we got a call from one of the other homes saying we could go over to there house and have dinner with them, they were also having a BBQ, Jer didn't say if we'd go or not so Mila, Livi and I started bugging him to call them back and tell them we'd go over to hangout since we didn't have anything else to do..actually we did..the Wall mart was reopening and we were having a "family outing" to it...that how u can tell we live out in to middle of no where right? when it's a huge thing to go to Wall mart...we evening all took showers and dressed nice for the occasion.
however it turned out that the Wall mart wasn't gonna be opened till the next morning or we went over to the other home and hung out with them for a few hours..great fun...
Ok, I'm not gonna give u a run down of every day cuz that would be the boreing-est thing ever...lets just says for the most part it was work and boredom...I do have to say that we were SUPER thankful for the cold front that came after the hurricane...

We went for 2 weeks without power. till one night Jer wakes me up and like 12 saying we had did I jump outta bed and run upstairs to my comp...only to find that Livi, who had got o Vegas with friends had, by mistake, backed my comp cord with her I had to go without my comp for longer...but hey I survived and thankfully Charles comp is the same as mine so I'm useing her cord now..

I made some vids that I'll post for u after I go through them and delete all the stupid or repeated ones...