Monday, March 16, 2009


choices, choices, have 3 weeks to figure out what on earth I'm going to do. my paper work wont come for about 3 months, so I can't get my Maltese passport for a while but in 3 weeks I have to be outta Germany or get a visa or something.
right now my options are either go to Turkey with my parents or go back to the states and have to start from scratch to raise the money to come back or to go wherever from there.
the pros' and cons'...
Going with my parents..

.Pros'.1. I can stay in Europe and as soon as I get my Maltese passport come back to Germany.2. I can maybe still go to Malta in the summer with my bro.3. I wont be to far from here so I can maybe see Grace again before she moves.
.Cons.1. this will be the second time that I left home and had to go back with my parents, at least I lasted a month longer then last time.2. no offense to my parents but we get along with them so much better when I'm not with them.

Going back to the states with Nate.

Pros'. I can learn what it's like to have to "stand on my own 2 feet" that really a pro?
.Cons. 1. I'd have to leave the family.2. I'd have to get a job.3.Nate would want me to go to school.3. I'd go insane of being alone in a house..u know the feeling? I've grown up around so many ppl, then to just be in a lil apartment with one's a huge change. 4. the thing I fear the most, I'd get stuck..start to like the life out there and end up staying.

now if I was one of those ppl that went about life by wich opption had more cons then pro's I probably wouldn't go back to the states...I guess I'll have to pray about what to do and what doors open up. keep me in your prayers y'all


Eman said...

come to brazil!!